Walton Think Of The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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What does Walton think of Victor? Walton sees Victor as a friend and was devastated by his death. Walton wrote in his letters to his sister that his “tears flow; my mind is overshadowed by a clod of disappointment (Shelley, 205).” Walton wanted a friend to journey with him on his voyage and he thought he had found that in Victor.
What does Victor think of the Monster? Victor did not like his creation one it came to life because he thought he was a “miserable monster” whom he had created. Victor could not get passed the Monster’s looks in order to see that he was kind, innocent, and deserving. Victor is terrified of the monster for a while in the book, but then he becomes angry with him when he thinks he killed his brother. Even though he did …show more content…

The monster one awoken saw Victor as his creator and was grateful for him. Once Victor abandoned him and everyone was afraid of him he wanted revenge. The monster killed William and Justine because he was rejected again. He “… declared everlasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery (Shelley, 124).” Later on he realizes he just wants a companion like him so they can live alone and together to the end. Victor agreed to the creation of a female version of him and the Monster is excited and promises to never cause harm to anyone else as long as he keeps his promise. Once Victor went back on his word he was angry and hurt so he decided to take it out on Victor. Once Victor died he realized what a mistake he had made. He is upset and says, “I have devoted my creator, the select specimen of all that is worthy of love and admiration among men, to misery; I have pursued him even to that irremediable ruin…Your abhorrence cannot equal that which I regard myself (Shelley, 209).” The Monster found a companion in Victor in a way. Victor was their even though the Monster said he hated him I think he was really his friend…his only friend.
What do we think of all of the above? When Victor was telling his side of the story I felt for him, but once I heard the Monster’s side of the story I changed views. I wonder what if Victor would have made his beautiful in the eyes

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