Walmart's Unethical Bribery Practices

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Hello Toneka, “Corrupt payments were “invitations,” approvals for development projects were “opportunities,” this statement came from Mr. Dwek, a well-known member of the Syrian Jewish community. He and 43 others were involved in a huge bribery scam that involved the selling of body parts, which included the two mayors and Rabbis. (Halbfinger, 2009) Bribery is viewed as an unethical practice to many; however, it comes down to the recipient making the final decision on whether to accept or not. You stated that bribery practices involve the individual helping him or herself. Bribery is not new to this world, Solomon tells us and there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecc 1:9) According to Exodus 23:8, “And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.” These practices translate greed and selfishness in the word of God and He clearly does not want us engaged in these types of behaviors. Walmart is one of the moguls of today’s industry and the founder Sam Walton started his business on the fundamentals of Christianity. However, if you look at Walmart practices today, many are contrary to …show more content…

Walmart was accused of bribery in 2007, allegedly “Times' article said that Wal-Mart's Mexican division paid more than $24 million in bribes so stores could be opened faster than if the company had followed normal government procedures.” This impacted shareholders because over 400 million was

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