Walgreens Incident

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I worked for the drugstore chain Walgreens in the early 2000’s and was involved in a situation where employees were asked to perform work off the clock. The incident occurred when Walgreens was preparing to open a new store in Los Banos, Ca. The company had a tight deadline for getting the store to an operational state, requiring huge tasks in a short amount of time. As the scheduled opening date approached it was clear the store was not on track to be ready for business by the opening date. Management and lower level employees were all feeling the pressure to do work faster and harder in order to catch up. The situation was that we were behind on stocking shelves, setting displays and placing mylars (price tags) on the shelves throughout the store. In hindsight, it seems that …show more content…

We wanted the store to succeed and to be recognized as a part of that success. The job market in Los Banos at the time was slim and crowded with job seekers. We were afraid of being viewed poorly by Marita and possibly losing our jobs as we were all hired on a probationary period. I believe that this fear of losing our jobs was the biggest factor in our response to comply with Marita’s request that we work off the clock. No one wanted to speak up and challenge her request. I try to understand Marita’s thought process and imagine in some way she felt what we were feeling. Pressure, she probably had a similar worry about proving herself and keeping her job. Falling behind schedule and the condition of the store would be a reflection on her as our leader. She justified asking her team to work off the clock by thinking of the end result of meeting our mutual goal to have the store operational by the deadline. I believe Marita saw herself and the team benefiting by proving that we could complete this tremendous project in the short time

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