Unveiling Vodou: A Glimpse into a Misunderstood Religion

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Vodou is a religion that is often misrepresented because of mainstream Hollywood movies. It is a religion that remains an enigma to outsiders, and as a consequence, many incorrect assumptions are made about its practices. To outsiders, Vodou may seem to be based on cursing others with voodoo dolls, sacrificing animals or people, and even being possessed by the devil. However, that is not the case in Mama Lola where an outsider, Karen McCarthy Brown is given an inside view on this secretive religion. Vodou is not as simple as popular culture insinuates, it is a complex religion that involves integrating magic, marriage, possession, and the role of women. Magic, or maji is an important part of the Vodou religion. Priestesses practice by using a combination of fèy …show more content…

These components can be used for conducting public ceremonies, or as personal favors. Modern society perceives magic to be something that is abstract, or something that has no concrete explanation. However, that is not the case where in Vodou, magic is used by members of a certain group to explain the practices of a different group (Brown 188). For example, people in a southern Haiti would describe the religious practices of northern Haiti as maji, since they are from different areas. Additionally, maji can be used to explain the Petwo ceremonies that are often practiced in Vodou (Brown 188). Petwo gods are known to be dangerous, and working with their magic powers are extremely risky. Different kinds of maji are practiced differently according to gender, women tend to focus on love magic which involve controlling the will of others, while men go into professions as magicians called “Bòkò” (Brown 189). As a child, I enjoyed going to the park every Sunday to

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