Visual Art Personal Statement

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Visual Art has always been my passion since I was small and it is my goal to have an exciting and fulfilling the career in the creative field in the future. Just like everyone who have a clear goal set in mind, I was always pushing myself to strive forward, putting more effort than what I was expected to do. I was also constantly engaging myself to make my ideas become a reality of not only to bring inspirations to others as a career but also as a lifestyle. During my undergrad years at Valparaiso University, as an Art Major student, I was taught and trained on fundamental of Visual Fine Art, Design, Digital Media, and Communication. By the time I had my diploma, I was comfortable and fluent with using multiple Adobe software, with advanced techniques in Graphic, Web, Typo, Logo, Magazine and Packaging Design, as well as 2D, 3D illustrations, and Animation. I was occasionally combining mediums and skills from the Fine Art with Digital Art, such as taking straight photograph of gesture painting to use as footage of animation and additional visual elements for graphic design and abstract …show more content…

I interned at Prak-sis Contemporary Art Gallery (under the Contemporary Art Association and G-Art Case International) as Gallery Assistant last fall and worked as Head Assistant at Darryll Schiff Fine Art Studio. Those positions had given me many valuable experiences and inside looks of the field, however, once in a while, they left me to wonder if it was my true calling for as a long-term career due to its commission nature of the field. While working at the studio, I completed my 170 hours online course along with 30 hours first-hand training and recently certified by TEFL Academy to teach English to non-native English speakers in any country around the world. I found myself drawn into a new direction and passion for teaching and be a part of the Education

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