Violence In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The Effect of Violence and Death on Teens Violence and death surrounds everyone, from movies to books to news. These subjects are particularly prevalent in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. Kesey's main goal for writing the novel was to show his readers the atrocities within mental health wards. However, he managed to have a greater impact in young adults' lives than ever imagined. Although there are instances of death and violence in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, it should be included in high school curriculum because exposure to these topics helps teenagers to properly deal with similar situations in their own lives. To begin with, portrayals of death and violence in young adult literature provide essential information to …show more content…

The appearance of these subjects plant thoughts in impressionable minds, resulting in chaos. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary claims, "Violence in television, motion pictures, and other media can cause children to be more violent, desensitized to violence, and fearful of the world" (1), which is a valid point. However, literature has the opposite effect; it lessens violence and death by helping readers to understand the consequences of their actions. The Misfits by James Howe includes individuals' violent treatment of the outcasts, but this did not result in more violence. The novel shed light on severe bullying and lead to a No Name Calling Week across the nation. Since the book has decreased bullying, it has also lessened violence and suicide as a result of bullying. Therefore, books that openly discuss death and violence do not create more, but rather fix what is broken concerning these issues in society. In One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Nurse Ratched is a bully towards her patients and her staff, which results in violent uprisings and death. Seeing the negative effects of certain actions reduces violence and

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