Villains in Hollywood Films

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Villains in Hollywood Films Alfred Hitchcock once said "The better the villain, the better the film" and this year's Hollywood filmmakers have abided by this golden rule as there was no stopping this year's summer blockbusters from having a whole horde of villainous characters spreading their wings onto the big screen, making the darker side more appealing for audiences. Everybody has gone villain this year, from Tom Cruise to Halle Berry, from the not- so-friendly extra terrestrials in Alien Vs Predator to Spiderman's sworn enemy Dr Octopus, played by Alfred Molina. The origin of villains Villains have been around since evil has walked the earth. People have been creating villains ever since the beginning of human civilization. Every tale has its villain and villains are at the core of great stories. There are few real-life villains but the most colourful ones exist in literature, theatre and, needless to say, on the silver screen. Where would Sherlock Holmes be without Professor Moriarty? Or Iago and his "friendly" advice poison to Othello's ears, destroying what was so innocent and pure. In Hollywood, the villain has been portrayed as a person that the audience loves to hate and hates to love. These characters are made up of wickedness of mind; selfishness of character and will to power, often masked by beauty and nobility. Others rage unmasked. Daring the worst to gain the most, the movie villains we remember best can be horrifically evil, merely sleazy, or grandiosely funny, but are usually complex, moving and tragic. The earliest known villain caught on film would be the serpent in the Garden of Eden coaxing Adam and... ... middle of paper ... ...Men with one of the most original, endearing and plain super human lead characters in years. Leading this summer's villain battle is Tom Cruise who for the first is playing a bad guy in Michael Mann's adult thriller Collateral. The Cruiser puts aside his Samurai armour and plays Vincent, a slicker-than-thou assassin who takes LA Taxi driver Max, played by Jamie Foxx, hostage over the course of a single night, during which he has five hits to carry out, while Mark Ruffalo's dogged cop tries to stop him. Collateral promises dead-eye action and gritty visuals but there are some who doubt whether the great movie-going public will accept Tom Cruise as a bad guy in Collateral but nevertheless it will still be a joy to watch Cruise finally unleash his id, as on screen he has always come close to being the psychotic villain.

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