Vikings Religion

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The word Vikings invokes images of savage warriors and barbaric raiders with a thirst for blood. Vikings were raiders and they did invoke terror up and down the coastline, they coerced and intimidated, many of their raids were focused on sacred Christian sites, known as monasteries. It is not certain why the Vikings turned to raiding or exploring; one theory is they needed the food and wealth of other lands to ensure their survival (Raffield, Greenlow, Price & Collard, 2016). The word Viking or Vikingr actually comes from an Old Norse term, meaning a pirate going abroad to raid (Sorabella, 2012).
Spoken and Written Language of Vikings
The language spoken by the Vikings was Old Norse, which is a member of the Germanic family. The Vikings did …show more content…

One of these stories was about a powerful god named Odin, who had a symbolic connection with Christ and his crucifixion; the tale states that Odin sacrificed himself by hanging from a tree and being pierced in the side with a spear, which was then followed by a resurrection. Viking beliefs included rituals, which were often led by Chieftains, and on occasion included sacrificing horses as part of their culture (Williams, …show more content…

Vikings took great care and design in building their ships, and this devotion carried over to their belief in the afterlife. They buried their dead in the ships, as they thought these vessels would carry the deceased on their final journey. The burial ritual included filling the ship with valuables, weapons, and in some cases sacrificed slaves. Women held some basic rights, they could request a divorce and inherit property. However, women could also be forced to marry as young as twelve years of age, and endure years of great hardship when their husbands were away exploring (Cohen, 2013). Vikings were uncivilized, yet they were a culture of farmers, craftsmen, master shipbuilders, merchants, explorers and barbaric raiders.
Stereotypical images of Vikings have been distorted into horned helmet wearing, stinky men who sailed the high seas and never bathed. Vikings were seafaring warriors, but they were also master shipbuilders who bathed on a regular basis and they did not adorned their heads with horned helmets. They enjoyed skiing and the men liked to bleach their hair blonde with lye soap, which also got rid of head lice (Cohen, 2013). Vikings were warriors, and they did plunder up and down the coast, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their path, the reasons why they took to raiding have been

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