Vikings Influence On Western Civilization

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Viking origins are as shrouded in mystery as are the people themselves. There is no definitive proof as to why these people, hailing from various parts of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, set out to the great unknown. Some scholars believe it was due to political changes while others believe it could have been a result of changes in ship building. Although no one can say for sure why these people left their homelands, it is certain that they left an undeniable impression on history.
The origin of the name Viking is also varied, with some scholars believing that it was derived from the Vike fjord in (Goodrich). It is also speculated that the name comes from the word “vik”, meaning bay or creek and “vikingr”, meaning pirate (Boorstin, 204). Most …show more content…

If a Viking wished to climb the social ladder, he must participate in raids, as the treasures and spoils brought back made him heroic. Young men were expected to participate more with the raids. When they became older it was preferred that they settled down to raise a family and farm. Viking men would plant crops and when they finished setting everything up, the men would go on a raid, returning in time to harvest and put their crop away. The Vikings’ sea attacks inadvertently helped to spur innovations amongst many communities in an effort to divert or stop the attacks from happening. Cities along the coast began building walled-in harbors and sea-facing stone walls …show more content…

that the Vikings began to winter in England. Their reach was inescapable- not only did the Vikings go to all areas of Northern Europe, but the furthest recorded encounter with Vikings was Baghdad, where it is believed they traded fur, tusks, and seal fat. The Vikings were also known to call a truce during a raid to conduct business with their adversary. Once trading was over, the Vikings would commence their battles, often stealing back the most valuable treasure that was originally purchased from them.
The Vikings practiced a Pagan religion known to us today as Norse mythology. There was no specific name for the religion; it was just a tradition that began with the Germanic peoples. Yggdrasil was an ash tree, the hub of the nine realms and sustainer of all the worlds. Valhalla was the ultimate goal although few were able to obtain it. Those who could not achieve Valhalla simply died and did not leave their grave. The only way to reach Valhalla was to die during battle and be carried away by Valkyries. The earth was called () and was thought to have been created when fire from the south met ice from the

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