Vestigial Organs: Common Descent by Charles Darwing

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“Vestigial Organ” is a term used to describe organs or functions that due to the course of evolution no longer have a use. The idea of useless organs had been around long before Charles Darwin, but his idea for why they were there was the one that stuck. In his book “The Descent of Man” Darwin named a few organs that were considered absolutely useless or had very little service such as wisdom teeth, the appendix, the spleen, and the hind leg bones in whales. While functions of some of these parts such as the appendix and spleen have been discovered, Evolutionists still believe that vestigial are great evidence for the evolution. In complete contrast, Creationists know that they are evidence for a Creator. They believe that the organs are not vestigial, and indeed have a use.
Why do meaningless organs point to evolution? In his book “Common Descent” Darwin considered the possibility of all life descending from one organism. If that were true, then as that organism evolved into other organisms, some parts would become unnecessary as the process went on. Some parts would be left over from the change. When a reptile changed into a bird for example, the fully evolved bird might have a few left over parts from the reptile that it doesn’t need.
An organ dubbed vestigial by most are the third molars or as they are more commonly called, wisdom teeth. It would seem that their only purpose is to support dentists financially. Coming in around the age of seventeen-twenty five, the wisdom teeth are known for emerging incorrectly, at an odd angle or unexpected location. They crowd the other teeth and can sometimes corrupt adjacent teeth. So why are they in the mouth? According to evolutionists one hundred million years ago, human ancesto...

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...e to prove that something (in this case a function) does not exist. You cannot gather evidence that something doesn’t exist. Everything has a use. The ones that haven’t been figured out yet point to a Creator for when their uses are discovered, it will provide evidence that reveal the complexity of the world God created and against evolution. The Bible Genesis 1:31 Works Cited The Bible Genesis 1:31

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