Vanity In The Crucible

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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, many people's actions are brought under question. After consideration many people were accused of having some tie with the Devil or witchcraft. Some of these people choose the option to opt out of punishment and take the heat of being associated with witchcraft. A few of the others decided to stick with the commandment ‘do not lie’, and gave their own life to obey God’s word. Everyone can get caught up on vanity every once in awhile, but sometimes it can cost them their life. One’s honesty can cause them to lose their life, or it can keep them out of trouble. The weight between these two options is on everybody's shoulders everyday. Honesty is a huge part of everyday life, and carries a lot of burden in …show more content…

Rebecca Nurse is one of the few people left in Salem that has held her own on the grounds of dealing with witchcraft. Many people that were accused, along with Goody Nurse, changed their story to benefit them, but Rebecca Nurse kept her same story all through the trials. Some look at Goody Nurse’s determination as a front that she is putting on to save her reputation from being tainted with the association with witchcraft. Along the lines of Goody Nurse’s situation, people believe that Caitlyn Jenner is just putting on a face and trying to keep her reputation up. Different people look at Caitlyn Jenner’s way of life and say that she is doing all of this for the fame and attention that goes along with her decision. On talking about her new TV show she says,” I’m not doing it for the money. If I can make a dollar, I certainly am not stupid. I have house payments and all that kind of stuff. I will never make an excuse for something like that” (NYMAG). During this interview she is trying to justify that she is doing this for herself, and not so she can get anything out of the whole ordeal. Vanity is not a good thing to be associated with, but everyone has dealt with it in some part of their life at one point or another. Having the gift of extreme conviction when you don’t tell the truth, or aren’t honest, is a blessing. One should always tell the truth, even if it means you get killed.

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