Vacation Pay In Canada

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Since the federal government largely leaves employment legislation to the provinces, each of Canada’s provinces have been able to make their own rules. If you’re a foreign company opening its first office in Saskatchewan, you’ll want to learn about vacation time rules! Saskatchewan is something of a hotspot right now. If you’re thinking about setting up shop in Regina or Saskatoon, take a look at this guide to vacation pay in Saskatchewan. Why Saskatchewan? The first thing for any employer to ask is why they’re going to Saskatchewan. Although the province has a reputation as being exceedingly rural, flat, and nothing but prairie, the truth is Saskatchewan has become something of a hotspot for several different industries. Perhaps the best …show more content…

One of the important aspects of that is how vacation time is accrued and paid. Vacation pay in Saskatchewan is governed by The Saskatchewan Employment Act. Employees who work more than one year and less than ten years are entitled to three weeks of vacation each year. If an employee works more than ten years for you, they are entitled to a minimum of four weeks’ leave. Employees who have worked less than a year are not entitled to vacation pay. In order to be eligible, employees must work for 52 consecutive weeks, without a break in service of 26 weeks or longer. Who Is Entitled? In Saskatchewan, vacation days accrue on an annual basis. After 52 weeks of service, an employee becomes eligible for three weeks of vacation. Most employees are entitled to vacation pay, no matter how many hours they work or how they’re paid. Exceptions include seasonal and short-term employees who work fewer than 52 weeks or who have absences of 26 weeks or more. If you hire an employee to work in the summer and fall and terminate their employment in the winter before rehiring them in the spring, they would not be entitled to vacation. An employee who took a leave of absence over the winter would

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