Utopia And Dystopia In The Giver

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In the giver this society is a utopia/dystopia because of many reasons.One major reason is sameness is taken over,and nothing is diffrent besides memory that jonas gets from the giver in his anex.This community might seem like it is always great all the the time. In the giverś community it is just boring and sameness.This is what utopia jonas lives through his life.This jonas community. People of in this society think they are perfect because of sameness, but they have good memories and never feel or think of violence or danger of the outside world.This is an example of a utopia, because the people think they're fine but not really.Jonas is the one to receive and know the pain of the world.There is not much freedom there as it seems to be.Each …show more content…

A dystopia is a society where there is little power,freedom,and other and itś like Jonaś community very little power and other.A utopia is like a society where it seems and looks very good, but actually is very bad and dirty.In the giver it is kinda both because it seems good but not realy its a bad place.You can not be free in this community as leaving to elsewhere or change in away of your life.Each gender has thier own thing like girls wear bows and other things while guys wear other things. This is the world Jonas lives while being the receiver of memories from the giver of memories.Dystopia and utopia together in one community because of how they are .Sameness is what makes them dystopia and utopia because it is a mindness place with only good memories.They hide the true memories from everybody of evil,bad,and dark things.The community is hidden from fights,wars,pain,sadness,wrecks and whether to

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