
704 Words2 Pages


The principle of Utilitarianism ‘greatest happiness of the greatest

number’ can be traced back to Frances Hutchinson and David Hume of

Scotland in the 18th century. Utilitarianism theory was developed

first by Jeremy Bentham. His student John Stuart Mill who is the most

famous Utilitarian then took on this theory.

America had fought for and gained their independence from the British

to obtain their freedom and greater democracy. The Declaration of

independence of the 13 colonies, action of the second continental

congress of July 4th 1776.

The French revolution had its English admirers of its principles.

Human rights had become a real issue and the greater demand for

democracy was heard; reform was seen to be much needed. When it came

to the principles, which might guide the reforms, among the clearest

and strongest was the single principle of Utilitarianism.

Utilitarianism has penetrated deeply into the national moral

consciousness and tends to be the way the majority judge the

righteousness and wrongness of their actions.

Utilitarianism is a teleological theory as it is interested in the end

result of people’s actions.

Jeremy Bentham (1748 – 1832) was born in London and he devised the

Theory of Utilitarianism. Bentham was a hedonist. He believed all

human beings pursued pleasure and sought to avoid pain. Bentham said:

“ Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign

masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we

ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.”

Bentham’s Utilitarianism is also called Hedonic Uti...

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...fied than a pig satisfied;

better to be a Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied”


Act Utilitarianism maintains that, whenever possible, the principle of

Utility must be directly applied for each individual situation. Act

Utilitarianism has the benefit of flexibility, being able to take that

into account individual situations at a given moment although the

actions that it justifies can change. This form of Utilitarianism is

associated with Jeremy Bentham.

Rule Utilitarianism focuses on general rules that everyone should

follow to bring about the greatest good for that community. Rule

Utilitarianism establishes the best overall rule by determine the

course of action which, when pursued by the whole community leads to

the best result. Rule Utilitarianism is associated with John Stuart


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