Urban Land Use Models

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Urban Land Use Models

Often in geography models are used to try to explain something that we

can see in the physical environment. During the 20th century a number

of models were developed to try to explain how urban areas grew.

Although models show a very general idea of the shape of the city, all

of the ones described here have aspects that can be seen in most

cities in the developed and developing world.

The Burgess Model

In 1925, E.W. Burgess presented an urban land use model, which divided

cities in a set of concentric circles expanding from the downtown to

the suburbs. This representation was built from Burgess's observations

of a number of American cities, notably Chicago.

According to this model, a large city is divided in concentric zones

with a tendency of each inner zone to expand in the other zone. Urban

growth is thus a process of expansion and recon version of land uses.

For instance on this figure zone II (Factory zone) is expanding

towards zone IV (Working class zone), creating a transition zone with

recon version of land use.

Although the Burgess model is simple and elegant, it has drawn

numerous criticisms:

* The model is too simple and limited in historical and cultural

applications up to the 1950s. It is a product of its time.

* The model was developed when American cities were growing very

fast in demographic terms and when individual transportation was

still uncommon. Expansion thus involved recon version of land

uses. This concept cannot be applied in a contemporary (second

half to the 20th century) context where highways have enabled

urban development to escape the recon version process and settle

in the suburbs.

* The model was developed for American cities and has limited

applicability elsewhere. It has been demonstrated that

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