Unfairly Accused Of Guilty: The Salem Witch Trials

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The Salem Witch Trials started in 1692 and lasted until 1693. More the 200 people were convicted of being witches. Many Christians thought that the devil gave power of witches to the people. The whole town went crazy. People kept saying the devil was loose in salem.Anything that people did the seemed strange they would be accused of witchcraft. It caused madness in the town of Salem. The Salem Witch Trials unfairly convicted many people, many people were brutally killed, and there was not any witchcraft.

The Salem witch trials unfairly convicted many innocent people. After girls started saying they saw these people with the devil they were accusing everyone.They started accusing everyone of witchcraft they believed the girls without any evidence just by what the lying girls say. The whole town was terrified because a lot of people had already been accused of witchcraft. Over 200 people were convicted of witchcraft. Many people were hanged or because they thought they were witches or had connections with the devil.You would hear people saying the devil is loose in salem.

The Salem witch trials convicted many innocent …show more content…

People that were accused of witchcraft were given a trial, but the trial was unfair, all the girls had to say was the devil was in the room or they saw that person with the devil, then they would convict that person of witchcraft. It was basically murder because all of those people were not guilty, the only people that were guilty were the lying girls. They murdered them, they knew they were not guilty, they knew there was no witchcraft, they lied so that they could marry the husbands of the wives they were convicting. But it went wrong because in the end the man that Abigail wanted to marry was hanged for witchcraft. So, because of them, over 200 people were murdered because the whole town thought that there was witchcraft, they thought the devil was loose in salem which was a total

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