Understanding Eclipses

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Understanding Eclipses

A scientific event which captures my interest

and attention is an eclipse. In astronomy, an eclipse

is a complete or partial obscuring of a celestial body by another. An eclipse occurs when three celestial objects become aligned.

There are two distinctly different types of

eclipse phenomena known to astronomers. In the first, the eclipsing body comes between an observer and the eclipsed object while the other celestial object appears to the observer totally or partially covered by the eclipsing object. An example of this is when eclipses of the Sun occur(This is known as a solar eclipse).

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon,

revolving in its orbit around the Earth, moves across the disk of the Sun so that the shadow of the Moon sweeps over the face of the Earth. No sunlight penetrates the dark,inner part of the shadow (which is known as the umbra). To observers on the Earth within the umbra, the Sun will appear completely covered by the Moon. Such a solar eclipse is said to be total. Since the umbra is narrow at its intersection of the Earth, a to...

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