Underlying Messages in the Works of Muntean and Rosenblum

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Based on the oil paintings of Muntean and Rosenblum, there is a sense that the portraits desire a second look and to be understood by on lookers, because the paintings themselves convey messages of desperation through form and color. It is almost as if each picture tells its own story and has its own caption that must be determined and interpreted by those whom observe it. In fact, the story to be told is completely reliant on those who view the painting and possess personal experiences that can be connected to the piece. The reasons behind these interpretations relate mostly to color, value, shape and use of lines in the works of Muntean and Rosenblum.

Form plays a predominant role in these paintings, especially as far as value and shape are concerned. For example, the eyes of the subject in the “What surrounds us we endure…” painting are piercing and ice-cold, conveying desperation and a need to be heard. The eyes look piercing and distressed due to their light blue color which contrasts with the darks shadows enclosing them. Through their body language and facial expressions, the three men in the picture express anxiety, stress and depression which are perhaps due to the rain-streaked night sky, the lonely sidewalk and bus stop and the use of dark, cool hues which surround them. Also, the value of the man in the foreground is very intense because he is lighter than the background and creates an eerie sensation. It is also a focal point in the piece because of the drastic contrast between light and dark fashioned by the strong use of shadow. The remaining two men that occupy the background of the picture seem to be completely exposed to light, almost representing a sense of being scrutinized, but not understood due to the cry ...

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...ir captions. “What surrounds us we endure better for giving it a name – and moving on” could be observed as a cry for help from the subject of the piece (Muntean and Rosenblum). This could also be said for the other work, which is captioned “they had never been able to understand the laws of a universe which was so ready to leave them out of its calculations” (Muntean and Rosenblum). However, this work also conveys downfall and defeat, again referring to the positions of the men. Interpretations are completely dependent on spectators, but without such forms as these, connections would be difficult to create between a bystander and a work of art.

Works Cited

Muntean and Rosenblum; Untitled (They had never been able…); Oil on canvas; 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.

Muntean and Rosenblum; Untitled (What surrounds us we endure…); Oil on canvas; 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2011.

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