Unbroken Vanity Character Analysis

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In the novel “Unbroken Vanity,” the main character, Louie, demonstrated several survival skills. Out of the “12 Rules of Survival” by Gonzales, there are six rules that Louie showed. The six rules are “Stay Calm,” “Be A Rescuer, Not A Victim,” “Enjoy the Survival Journey,” “Do Whatever Is Necessary,” “Believe that You Will Succeed”, and “Never Give Up.” The first survival rule is “Stay Calm.” Louie displays this rule during the time on the raft and the time in the Japanese Camp. On the raft, Louie had several opportunities to upset or lose his temper, but he choose to stay calm. For example in the novel when Mac ate all of the chocolate in one night, instead of Louie hitting or “going off” on Mac he remained calm. While on his stay at the prison camp, Louie not only stayed calm, but also used his angry and hurt …show more content…

On the raft, Louie had to keep his mind on rescuing himself, Phil, and Mac rather than deciding to just be the victim of the situation. Since he decided to be the rescuer, he actually rescued himself. “Enjoy the Survival Journey” is the third rule. During their journey it was important to enjoy the time of their travel. Louie enjoys his voyage by singing and telling stories. By singing and telling stories or jokes he is forming a way of survival. The fourth rule is “Do Whatever Is Necessary.” Louie actually made safrices. He threw himself in the ocean we sharks and pushed the rafts. Also he nurtured Phil back to health. The did everything in his power to keep the men physically and mentally healthy. The second to last rule is “Believe That You Will Succeed.” Even though the odds were not in Louie’s favor, he kept believing. Survival is a mind game not just a physical game. If he would of stop believing he would of died on the raft. He did not stop believing after the beating nor the race nor the hard labor. Because he believed in the success, he

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