Unbroken Essay Papers

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Unbroken is a book that has touched everyone that's read it in someway, Louie's can do attitude will leave us inspired to do more with our lives by the end of the book. Laura Hillenbrand tells us the life of tenacious Louie Zamperini, who went from an olympian to a living corpse to a man of God. Louie Zamperini was a troubled child who seemed to going on the wrong path, but once he started running he learned that he couldn't keep doing the things he used to do. Louie makes it to the olympics and comes in eighth. He is then drafted into the military where he becomes a bombarder. His plane crashed in the ocean where he was stuck at sea for 47 days. The Japanese captured him at sea and took him to a prisoner of war camp, he was torchered for two years till he was rescued. Even after he was rescued he was still not the same because of he had …show more content…

While he was in the war Louie was put in the worse plane that could fly, crashes in the ocean, is lost at sea for 47 days, and the captured and tortured by the Japanese, yet through all of this Louie never once gave up hope and faith. While Louie was captured by the Japanese he was transferred through several different camps. All these camps had one thing in common, their ultimate goal was to make these men's lives as terrible as they could. One day ‘the Bird’ told Louie to hold up a 6 foot long wood beam and if he couldn't he would be hit with a gun. The book stated, “The beam tipped. The guard jabbed Louie with his gun, and Louie straightened up. Less and less blood was reaching his head, and he began to feel confused, his thoughts gauzy, the camp swimming around him. He felt his consciousness slipping, his mind losing adhesion, until all he knew was a single thought: He cannot break me.” Through all the tests and pain ‘the Bird’ has out Louie though he does not give in. Louie stares fear in the face and doesn't flinch, he make be worn down but he can never be

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