Un Capitano Moor Of Venice Essay

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Shakespeare created this drama based on the story Un Capitano Moro. This tragedy is a drama filled play about deceit, jealousy and many other things. But most importantly race and racism which in the title Shakespeare makes sure that he incorporates the word moor. “Moor” referring to darker skinned people in general. When reading this play one may not understand what is going on. But this plays reacts so much that deals with these particular themes. Shakespeare does a great job in demonstrating these different themes that are in this play. The story of Othello, the Moor of Venice is derived by feelings of very intense jealousy. All the things and consequences that happens in this particular play are the result of jealousy. Iago is jealous of Cassio’s because Othello chose Cassio as the lieutenant over him. Iago is a very jealous person, he is jealous about any and everything. He also believes that Othello has had an affair with his wife Emilia, the wife that he disrespects and doesn’t really love. With all this jealousy …show more content…

And everyone knows that most people with a darker complexion has bigger and thicker lips. And most people do not like that they have thicker lips. Othello’s insecurities surrounding his race ultimately lead to his belief that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Being that Othello is a man of darker color, he doesn’t feel he is worthy of his wife Desdemona’s attention. He doesn’t even feel that he has been embraced by Venetian society. Brabanzio is very much so unhappy about his daughter’s choice of a husband, due to his race. Brabanzio likes Othello as a hero but when it comes to his daughter, Othello is not good enough. Brabanzio is convinced that Othello has tricked his daughter to marry him. Othello’s race is an issue for Iago and Brabanzio. Neither one of them thinks that Othello is

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