Tuberculosis Vaccine May Help Stop Multiple Sclerosis Development

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A vaccine which is used to stop tuberculosis may also help in the prevention of the development of multiple sclerosis. MS is a disease that attacks the body’s central nervous system

This new study was discovered when people who began to have the beginning symptoms of MS were given an injection of the tuberculosis vaccine.

This could be a handy, safe and cheap approach which would be available instantly following the very first symptoms that suggest a person could have MS explained the research lead scientist Dr. Giovanni Ristori. He works at the Center for Experimental Neurological Therapies in Rome.

However, the study authors warned that there is more research needed to be done before the tuberculosis vaccine could be used long term against multiple sclerosis, or in the majority of MS sufferers.

In individuals that have MS, the immune system ends up attacking the body’s healthy cells located in the central nervous system. Some of these include the spinal cord and brain.

Some of the first signs of multiple sclerosis are problems with vision, feelings of numbing in the body extre...

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