Trinity's House: A Fictional Narrative

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In a much better mood then she had been in when they left their parents house, Valerie sat quietly in the passenger’s seat and enjoyed the rest of the drive to her girlfriend’s house. When they arrived at their destination Valerie undid her seat belt and gave her brother a kiss on the cheek, “thanks for driving,” she explained as she got out of the car and started toward the front door of Trinity’s house. Valerie only had to knock on the door once before it opened to the sight of a smiling Trinity. “Took your time getting here,” Trinity explained as Valerie crossed over the threshold. “We had to make a quick pit stop,” Valerie explained with a smirk, as she hugged her girlfriend. “Oh, did you,” Trinity replied, looking back at Zander with a knowing smile. “Hey Zander,” Trinity said moving from hugging Valerie to greeting him with a hug. “Well come on the others are in the living room,” Trinity explained leading the two siblings further into the house. “Hey Trist,” Trinity explained, as they entered the living room. …show more content…

Heriam. Unlike her sister who wore a shirt and a pair of panties, Trist sat almost naked with only a pair of pink panties hiding her womanhood. The sight of Zander following her younger sister into the leaving room caused, Trist to move her hands up quickly to cover her exposed breasts. “What’s he doing here?” Trist asked, obviously becoming more then a little surprised by the presence of a man in a usually female only

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