Tree Of Life By Juana Beatriz De La Fuente

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Formal Art Analysis

The painting I chose to write about is the Tree of Life. This painting was made in 1895 by Juana Beatriz de la Fuente. The painting is featured with a priest sitting on a chair under a tree. Behind him is an angel with the devil pulling up bell on a rope. On the priest's right side is a skeleton with a scythe, Jesus Christ holding a hammer striking the bell, and the Virgin Mary.

The painting was made in turn of Juana personal beliefs of Christianity. The painting shows how even a priest can be temped into sin but that if you follow the ways of the church, you will be saved. Much of the painting is in light to medium colors. This would show that Juana did not like to use dark colors and preferred to have a more …show more content…

Juana was a nun who believed heavily in the Catholic faith. Her faith would be how the devil may tempted you, but in the end, the faith will not bend and you would go back to heaven. The painting has a good example of this in the form of the angel putting his hand on the priest's shoulders with the devil and skeleton on in front of the priest.

This painting was inspired by the how chaotic things were was during the time of 19th century Mexico. With all the chaos going on, Juana would have wanted to always be praying for everyone and hope to have the country stand strong with the Catholic faith protecting all. Some good examples would be the Mexican-American War and the Texas Revolution. To Juana, these conflicts appeared to be the end of the world. Revolts are weakening the country and foregin countries are invading. Having to deal with wars that appear to happen every few years, Juana would show to world that faith still holds you true to live. The painting was made for chaotic times during 19th century Mexico. The political part is for the wars that keep happening while the social part is for the Catholic faith to stay strong with the average person. Juana would want people to see her believes that her religion can save everyone who follows her teachings. With those teachings, people would not fall into sin and can stay

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