Travel Into The Past In The Gathering By Anne Enright

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A marvelous novel “The Gathering”, written by Anne Enright is a very compelling read, traveling from the present into the past and dealing with the consequences that lead you into a darker future. The novel takes place in very odd locations that travel back into time around the older days of when houses were much smaller than in today’s society and technology was not yet simulated. Veronica, the narrator of the book is captivated by the physicality of the world. There are at least 4 diverse narratives going on throughout the story, and in all of these flashbacks veronica always seems to be cornered in by the world that revolves around her. Veronica lives a comfortable middle classed life but she is always travelling back in to the past trying to figure out where she fits in with her brother and herself after his death. Have you ever reminisced about the past so much that sometimes you find yourself either lost or living in it? My approach to this novel is that you can’t change anything that has occurred in the past but you can for sure try to resolve those problems in the future.
The gathering moves between the present and the past, through Veronica’s involvement in the present day and her imagination and flashbacks of her family’s past. In the present, Veronica is going to her family home to visit …show more content…

At a young age it is understandable to have the same problems as Veronica and Liam for someone that has had a rough childhood but on the other hand a teenager that is very spoiled and un respectful and someone who grew up in a friendly environment would not relate to a novel like this at all. The gathering talks about struggles that most to this day have not went through, also some of the experiences Veronica and Liam shared at such a young age will stay with them for a

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