Transcendentalism Criticism In The Works Of Emerson And Thoreau

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Transcendentalism Criticism in the Works of Emerson and Thoreau
Marriam-Webster defines transcendentalism as “a philosophy that emphasizes the a priori conditions of knowledge and experience or the unknowable character of ultimate reality or that emphasizes the transcendent as the fundamental reality.” Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson are known has transcendentalists of the 19th century. Ann Woodlief author of Emerson and Thoreau as American Prophets of Eco-wisdom, Martin Bickman author of Thoreau and the Tradition of the Active Mind, and Sheri Gietzen author of Transcendence: The Yin and Yang of Emerson and Goethe look into the depths of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s works and philosophies and how their works contain aspects of transcendentalism. Thoreau and Emerson both share their ideas and philosophies about living through experiences which ultimately creates a person’s character and personality. Throughout the works of both authors, Emerson and Thoreau, they have commonalities that connect to the term transcendentalism in many ways. Authors Woodleif, Bickman, and Gietzen connect Emerson’s and Thoreau’s works and critique …show more content…

He builds his own cabin and documents his experiences amongst nature. He observations led to his personal beliefs of how one should truly live. He was alone when he recorded his understandings of nature and himself which some might call his journey a visions quest. “The book has inspired other young people to follow his example and retire to a lonely spot--even if only in imagination--to ponder the world and their place in it” says Elizabeth Witherell, author of Reflections of Walden (Witherell). The comparison of Emerson and Thoreau works are very similar when relating their books to transcendental characteristics which Woodlief elaborates on. Woodlief

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