Tracey: A Short Story

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Darlene took out her cell phone. “I might as well make sure she’s still alive,” she said, quickly dialing her home number. The small interior of the car allowed Walker to hear every piercing ring despite Darlene turning the phone’s volume as low as she could stand. “Hell…o?” the slurred voice of Tracey Coopersmith answered after the sixth ring. She sounded half way into a bottle of McCormick vodka. “Mom, this is Darlene.” “So is this the call to—are you still in New York?” Tracey asked. “Or are you off doing something selfishly stupid again?” Walker cringed at Tracey’s low blow. In what way did Darlene’s mother think it was fair to drag up past events that Darlene had apologized and was still paying for? Couldn’t Tracey see how far Darlene had come since those terrifying, stressful months when she’d ran away from home, leaving behind a single-sentenced note only naming the person she was going with? …show more content…

Why couldn’t her mother be? From his peripheral vision, he glimpsed Darlene’s angered and disappointed face, and for a moment Walker swore her pupils shrank and elongated vertically—like a cat’s. He did a double take, intensely studying her. There was nothing off. She was the same old Darlene. He might have seen a trick of the light from a passing car, but now Walker was on guard for anything strange more than he had been since she’d turned twenty-one in

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