Tony Fry Design History Summary

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In his book Design History Australia was written in 1988, Tony Fry attempts to analyze how the appreciation reflected in Bel's good. Therefore, a clear distinction fried, basically deny appreciation. This is based on this, he believes this approach appreciation is largely dependent on the first design object close attention. In addition, Tony bombed several categories of design history method can be used to understand the design, including, bestowed, taste, space objects, design culture, a common space, design economy, design and sex (fried, 1988 ). It may be mentioned that this method is based on the current and future practice overall research design development history. Fallan (2010) believe that these methods can be properly understood …show more content…

For example, the industrial designer's job is mainly to make discrimination based on social or cultural judgments may be regarded as aesthetic bad or good (Margolin, 2007). In addition, Tony Fry further claimed that these forms of judgments are different from one community to another community or culture to. As mentioned earlier, the quality of industrial products is seen as a major determining factor, can be regarded as "good design" for the eternal. Therefore, the appreciation on behalf of the historical research and design methods is crucial, as it tries to focus on the design development and production of products based on taste, timeless, good design products on behalf of a representative. As mentioned earlier, fried, historical appreciation designed products based on the recognition by representing local production and consumption (Margolin, 2002; Fry, …show more content…

As a result, materialism is not specified, the main effect is to deny the historical and aesthetic idealized as a transformational tool movement outside. From this perspective, the disadvantage of this method is fired is based on the way the movement is not considered a social or physical journey in space, but an idealized synthesis time (Fried, 1988). Therefore, as a design study of history and representation, the need for a more extensive contact theory, interpretation of historic buildings and space-related issues based on the rise of capitalism and the development of industrial production methods. Fried acknowledged that human nature as social subjects require them to continue through time and space. This requires that they interact with an object, is formed in many cases in the past to assist in the moment. In other words, the role of design history is succinctly provide the opportunity to understand the object is considered or compared to the production of human beings in the past, how they are produced or from the current world (Bailey, 1885).Provides a good example of the capitalist mode of production configuration spatial relationships past and present world. In

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