Tocqueville: The Protestant Religion In The United States

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When Tocqueville arrived in the United States, specifically New York, he came across many impressions that intrigued his mission. He noticed that in France there are many religious ceremonies while all of the worshipers were the Americans. Tocqueville was uplifted when he was able to understand everything that the preacher said, while giving a sermon on grace in English. In America, it was a necessity of having “some religious doctrine so deeply felt on this side of the Atlantic.” He noticed that the Protestants are looking down on the Catholics who abandon their culture. The Protestant religion in the United States is a democratic and republican religion. Protestantism fosters independence more than equality. Family life is strong due to …show more content…

The First Amendment warrants freedoms of religion, expression, assembly, and right to petition. The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment has two foundations concerning religion; the establishment clause and free exercise clause. The establishment clause in the First Amendment prohibits the government from ‘establishing’ a religion. This implements the ‘separation of the church and state, which Tocqueville deeply examined in his travels in the United States. The free exercise clause gives the citizens’ the right to practice their religion without any bad public morals. The Constitution prohibited establishing a national religion while guaranteeing religious free …show more content…

Religion has the core principle of universal freedom. Religious faith is the exercise of everyone’s natural rights. I find that religion is slowly fading away but at the same time, it will never vanish. Religion is vital in human-rights. Religion lets people decide what is wrong or rights. It has given people something that they can believe in. Religion provides mental peace and promotes social virtues. It is religion that guides lives and gives mental peace amidst the uncertainties. The social virtues provided from religion is truth, love, and non-violence. Religion is the basis in the life of civilization. It enables us to provide basic value and ethics. Every society needs religion in order to survive. Laws that were created touch basis on some religious morals. As Alexis de Tocqueville said “when any religion whatsoever has cast deep roots within a democracy … preserve it carefully as the most precious inheritance” . Properly preserving inheritance will lead to religious liberty. In conclusion, both religion and freedom make a society more stable and peaceful. Also, religion plays a vital role in social control and welfare. We strive to help out people in need and it’s the act of kindness that is promoted from religion. The large majority of the United States claims to be

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