To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Speech

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When things don’t go peoples way they react very badly, acting in violence to hurt or kill the person. Especially in political circumstances when a president is elected that someone doesn’t like they try to assassinate the person. Don’t try to fix things that are beyond your reach because it will always end badly. But, also when things don’t go your way you fight as hard as you can to try and fix then, but if you fail you accept what has happened and move on no matter how flawed or corrupt it is. In TKAM Atticus tried as hard as he could to help Tom Robinson but lost the trial and was very upset, but he didn’t go and harm or kill any of the people involved, especially the jury.
When things don’t go your way you fight for what you believe in even when the odds are against you. A quote from Atticus Finch in TKAM, “Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” This is say that if you know you have been “licked” before you start you do it anyway because there is a bigger chance of you succeeding if you try than if you give up before you start. It is also
Also, when things don’t go your way you fight as hard as you can to try and fix then, but if you fail you accept what has happened and move on no matter how flawed or corrupt it is. “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win,” this is a quote form TKAM. This is a quote that is almost a perfect summary of the thesis: When things don’t go your way you fight as hard as you can to try and fix then, but if you fail you accept what has happened and move on no matter how flawed or corrupt it is. So we should all go off this quote and we will have a lot more success and will make the world a better

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