To Kill A Mockingbird Personal Response Essay

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I open just a crack of the shutters that envelope my window. Sunlight bursts through, blinding my eyes. I look out into the streets of Maycomb. The whole town is out today. All the windows and doors are open, except for one. The women go from house to house buzzing with the latest gossip and drinking tea in their best Sunday outfits.
I haven’t left my house for over 15 years, yet I am contempt with my life. At least it’s better than living in a hatred filled world. My name here is “Boo”. Who wouldn’t want everyone to be scared of them and call them a name that people say to scare others? Two children catch my eye as they hop around playing with their air rifles. The girl is not like the other girls, she dresses very tomboy like, causing her to stand out the most in my eyes. The boy is also distinct from the other boys, one of his arm shorter than the other. Watching from up here, makes me feel apart of the town because I can see everything and not feel lonely while being lonely at the same time.
At exactly 4:45 AM, I open the door to my house and step outside carrying my bag. I can’t stay like this forever. Running away from my problems will surely make my life easier. Spending …show more content…

The town that taught me everything I know today. Good or bad memories, they were all made here. This was the town that inspired me to go against society and build a life of my own. I don’t regret one decision that I made in my life. I do wish though that I could’ve helped out Atticus in some way possible and saved Tom. Thinking of these things makes me happy and sad to leave it all behind and start a better life somewhere else, but staying will make it worse. A smile forms on my lips as a thought crosses my mind. Maybe one day, I’ll return, when society is more accepting, and there isn’t a distinction between blacks and whites. I have a long way ahead but looking

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