To Kill A Mockingbird Man Vs Man

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in To Kill A Mockingbird the novel deals with the conflicts of man vs. man, man vs. self, and man vs. society. In Maycomb race prejudice is a big concern. In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch has to defend a black man in a very racist community. Tom Robinson was accused of rapeing Mayella Ewell. There is a lot of conflict in this book for inconceivable reasons. In To Kill A Mockingbird the characters must deal with man vs. man conflict. First, Scout and Jem get violently attacked by mr. Ewell. For example, when walking home from the pageant Jem and Scout hear noises behind them. They stop and the noise goes away, thinking it's just jems costume they continue home. All the sudden they hear someone behind them. The man grabs Jem and bends

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