'To Age Or Not To Age' By Leslie Kenton: Documentary Analysis

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To Age or Not to Age is a short documentary film influenced by the pro health master Leslie Kenton. Leslie Kenton have a great interested in health due to the fact that she was very ill as a child. No one was able to help her during her illness, this is the reason why she was interested in working in health and creating this short film. This documentary film is about slowing down the way human age. Kenton stated that she must share the process of slowing down aging, since she has learned it herself. The research of this short film was led by Liz Lee. In this Short documentary film, Leslie Kenton is analyzing the progress of eight New Zealanders as they take on a new medical and lifestyle journey. Scientist , Traditional healers, General practitioners, …show more content…

The more the person stress, the more the person age. This is why it is never good to stress. I used to always wonder why they always tell people to stop stressing. I finally got my answer after watching this documentary. Also, there is a plant that help reduces stress as well. Kawakawa is a traditional south pacific plant that brings relaxation, help digestion and help against aging as well. Reducing stress also help improves mental and physical help. According to researchers reducing stress in everyday life is essential for having a healthy life, improving one’s mood, boost one’s immune system function, and promotes longevity. Evaluate the film for quality and interest. Would a young person be interested in this film? To age or not age was a great documentary film. There was a lot to be learned in that film. It is very important for a person to always keep up with their health. A young person probably would not be interested in this film simply because is not something that the majority of young person would look forward to watching. This film though is very important, especially in the United States of America where the obesity level is rising. America tend to promote unhealthy stuff to their consumer. It is rare that one come across a commercial that is promoting healthy living in the United states. Thanks to Leslie for bringing awareness to such issues. Promoting good health is essential to fight against

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