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Another theme often seen and a message well hidden in Dinosaurs, is the concerns for technology and the effect it may have on humanity's evolution. Though the story was written in the late 1980s, it is eerily relevant to society today. Currently, Americans depend on technology so much that it could be argued its become a distraction from true human connection and is negatively effecting the overall health of society. This can be compared to the description of Drill's evolution after nine million years. Although he is physically superior with two separate brains and the ability to process memories of those who came before him, he is unable to share empathy and process and engage in meaningful conversation and lacks personal, intimate relationships. This could also be said of constant communication electronically, without true human interaction, a concern by Williams that seems to have been ahead of its time.
Another message still incredibly relevant to today is criticism in regards to social inequality and acceptance. Ursula LeGuin's, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, shares the struggles with social inequality that have gone on since the beginning of time and are still an important and ongoing issue today. LeGuin's judgement in reference to social inequality is very clear when she introduces Omelas, a seemingly perfect utopia where each citizen is happy, well adjusted and educated. However, the truth is exposed and the citizens find out a child must suffer in order to keep their comfortable life as it is. In the end, as with most issues faced in the United States, there is a select population fighting for the rights of a minority group, while many live life without considering those who may not be as comfortable as them.

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...he understanding that this science in science fiction is real as are the underlying messages, is the game changing details in giving these stories depth and is the primary reason these sixteen weeks have been a profound learning experience in the true meaning of science . These stories are what make science fiction so unique and incredible, and they are just the tip of the science fiction iceberg. There are many, many more to read and analyze; and, after this journey, it is now clear why science fiction truly is the literature of change. It allows both the reader and the writer to voice and form opinions about society, explore valuable and creative scientific and technological ideas and to share a unique view of history and the future. When it comes to science fiction, there is more than meets the eye and as the well known idiom goes, don't judge a book by its cover.

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