Three Skeleton Key Conflicts

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In literature, stories are filled with winners and losers. There is normally a conflict with a protagonist versus antagonist. The conflicts are usually resolved at the end of the story with a pronounced winner. In the stories “Three Skeleton Key” and “Rikki Tikki Tavi”, all conflicts have a winner. In the story “Three Skeleton Key” there is a conflict between the sea rats and three men. In the end, one of the men, Le Gleo, goes to an insane asylum and another man dies. A quote to show this is, “He was locked in an insane asylum, the poor man! Itchoua’s bites were infected; he died within a week.” While these two had tragic endings, the third man survives the rat attacks and proves humans can outwit animals. In “Rikki Tikki Tavi” a conflict

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