Things They Carried By Tim O Brien: An Analysis

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The memories we carry through our lives will always stay with us. The journey of life is an unceasing and never-ending event. No journey is just like another, as no person is the same as another. The word journey as a noun is defined in two ways, “an act of traveling from one place to another.” and “ a long and often difficult process of personal change and development.” These two definitions are for the same word but they can be interpreted in very different ways. Tim O'Brien, author of The Things They Carried, tells a harrowing story of not only his physical journey through the Vietnam War but also his psychological journey. We all carry our journeys whether they are tragic or profound, and no journey is simply from point A to point B. The …show more content…

He talks about Cross who seems to be the main character, O’Brien also mentions the other men of the platoon. The platoon consists of Lieutenant Cross, Mitchell Sanders, Kiowa, Henry Dobbins, Dave Jensen, Ted Lavender, and Lee Strunk. The other short stories mention more characters but these are the only mentioned in the platoon. All of these characters are extremely different and the things they carried are all personal to their tastes. The Things They Carried is a quite literal title since the narrator is constantly talking about the weights of the things that the men carried in their rucksacks. Every character has their quirks so they have different objects in their possession. “Dave Jensen, who practiced field hygiene, carried a toothbrush, dental floss, and several hotel-sized bars of soap he'd stolen on R&R in Sydney, Australia. Ted Lavender, who was scared, carried tranquilizers” (O’Brien 2) O’Brien wanted to display how these men had different stories or how their journeys may contribute to their items. Even though the story really only goes into the depth of Lieutenant Cross’ journey, the literature brings in tiny details to show the journeys of his comrades. Focusing in on Cross you can tell he has some psychological issues, due to the war. Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, he was so in love with her but they hardly knew each other. “More than anything, he wanted Martha

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