Thesis Statement For The Office

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Introduction Details:
I enjoy shows of any genre I can see myself in.
I like to laugh at some of my own folly, so some of my favorite shows are comedic.
Thesis Statement:
The Office is one of my favorite TV shows because of its relatability, mockumentary style, and
Topic Sentence (with a transition word):
First, The Office mirrors the typical nine-to-five grind.
Supporting Details:
Discuss where the characters' relations to the Dunder-Mifflin Company (jaded lifer, stepping stone, dedicated to the company, settling/unfulfilled potential) and how many offices have a similar dynamic;
Discuss how unremarkable and "normal" the setting is -- Summed up as Anytown, USA.
Discuss Michael and Dwight as nemeses to many of …show more content…

Supporting Details: Characters' asides to the crew almost let us into "secrets," especially with Jim, Pam, Michael, and Dwight. Natural, at times "cringeworthy" dialogue; not overthought. Convenient editing, much like other documentaries (e.g. Meredith was working on her PhD during filming, but her portions were edited to make her fit the "undesirable" mold)
Topic Sentence (with a transition word):
Lastly, in its later seasons, The Office humanized the least deserving character -- Dwight.
Supporting Details:
For most of the series, Dwight was the worst of the worst, with no redemption in sight. Obtrusive, mean, power-hungry. (exposition)
Making Dwight experience his own hurt (affair with Angela) allowed the showrunners to break his character down and humanize him
His humanity and goodness is still not always apparent outside of "crew" interviews, which makes it a little more gratifying to see -- i.e. he isn't necessarily doing it for glory, as is usually his motivation for most of what he does.
Sometimes his good intentions backfire, because of his uncommon background
Thesis restated in a slightly different

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