Theme Of Women In Othello

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Throughout history women have always been treated differently. Some were not always accepted by society, when others were expected to be something. It is demonstrated in William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, that women are not treated as an equal during his time period. In society, women were expected to be mothers and to treat their husband if he was royalty. The women in the play, Othello, are the characters, Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca. These women went through many different events throughout the play that involved their loved ones. Not only their husbands, but also the rest of the men in the play treated each of these women in different ways. In Shakespeare’s time, women were expected to be loyal and take care of their loved ones. In
Bianca is a woman that would do anything for her loved one. She is so in love with Cassio, that no matter how he speaks with her, she would still be willing to make him happy in any way possible. It is typical that in society around Shakespeare’s time period that a woman would be willing to do anything to make her loved on happy. Bianca expresses her love to Cassio very openly and passionately while Cassio does the same. When Cassio describes to Bianca how he found a handkerchief by his bedside, Bianca assumes Cassio has found a newer woman friend that causes her to be jealous. Cassio proclaims, “Go to, woman!/ Throw your vile guesses in the devil’s teeth,/ From whence you have them. You are jealous now/ That is from some mistress, some/ remembrance.” (3.4.209-213). This shows that even though this may be another woman’s handkerchief, just because Cassio told Bianca to take the thread out of the handkerchief and sew it again, she did it anyways. Bianca then goes against society and realizes what Cassio had wanted from her. Bianca acknowledges what Cassio has apparently done by stating, “Let the devil and his dam haunt you! What did/ you mean by that same handkerchief you gave me/ even now? I was a fine fool to take it!” (4.1.166-169). But when Cassio became hurt she was there for him because she does love him. This proves that this woman, Bianca, can also stick up for
The similarities that are proven are that the women in the play are under the power of their husbands and loved ones. Desdemona was a woman that had a great amount of pride but was still under Othello’s rule. She was obedient when it came to Othello’s rules and listened to him no matter what. After Othello strikes Desdemona, she showed no remorse and only bowed in his existence. She thought that something was wrong but did not question him further than asking him what she had done to deserve that. Emilia was a strong woman that could stand up for herself but knew she would do anything for Iago, even going behind Desdemona’s honor to make Iago happy. When Cassio gave Bianca the handkerchief of another woman’s, she questioned it no further than asking whose it was when Cassio scolded her for jealousy. Bianca was going to do as what she was told to do by Cassio even if she did not know where the handkerchief had came from. Each of these women portrays traits that were expected in society during the time period. The women were affected by these expectations of women’s behavior by having their loved one rule them. The women could not disobey their husbands and had to stay under their power. Even if they did something to upset their loved ones, they would do anything to make them happy. Each of the women accept society’s

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