Theme Of Freedom In Huckleberry Finn

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Freedom for everyone is different. It could be freedom from an addiction, from a dictator, from civilization, from technology, or even from themselves. Freedom ,overall, is the ability to do something without any hinderance. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, this theme was expressed through the adventures of Huck and Jim in there search for freedom.There were varying types and degrees of desired freedom. The first one that comes into the story is Huck’s desire to be free from the constraints of civilization. He wants to march to his own beat and live his own life. Jim had a very different idea of freedom. He was hoping for freedom from bondage. Being a slave allowed him no free will, when all he wanted was to be able to call himself his …show more content…

All Jim wanted was to be able to be a free slave and get his wife and children back. He tells Huck how one day he will be rich. His freedom is at first driven by the threat that he may be sold down south to New Orleans. Jim decides to run away and ends up meeting Huck along the way. Even though Jim was away from Miss Watson he never truly felt free. He constantly had to hide during the day and do ridiculous things so he wouldn't get caught. Unlike Huck his freedom didn't come immediately and had many hurdles to overcome. By the end of the novel Tom sets Jim free and gives him forty dollars, in his mind proving that he was right about being rich. “DAH, now, Huck, what I tell you? -- what I tell you up dah on Jackson islan'? I TOLE you I got a hairy breas', en what's de sign un it; en I TOLE you I ben rich wunst, en gwineter to be rich AGIN; en it's come true; en heah she is! DAH, now! doan' talk to ME -- signs is SIGNS, mine I tell you; en I knowed jis' 's well 'at I 'uz gwineter be rich agin as I's astannin' heah dis minute!" (chpt. 43) Jim’s freedom was much harder than Huck’s because he not onl;y had the bodage of actually slavery but the limits everyone else put on him for his race. Jim ,in the end, became a free slave but truly would never be his own master because of the society sterotypes in that …show more content…

To escape from the strongholds of society. Twain emphasizes the importance of freedom for both of these characters and how it is important to everyone. Freedom for Huck and Jim is what drove their happiness ,it was their ultimate goal to look forward to. Twain used freedom not only to make a good plot line but to make the story more relatable. Everyone yearns for freedom,in many different ways. Freedom gives a choice to all. Though freedom may be a tiring race in the end it is worth it and Twain was able to display this wonderfully through Huck and

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