Theme Of Corruption In The Scarlet Letter

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Anything can be destructive and evil if one gives it enough power. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter there are many arguments stemming from government and its ability to be corrupted easily. Although Bensick asserts that Hawthorne shows the corruptness of the government and those a part of it with the use of characterization, irony, and symbols. While Korobkin states that he used them to show that the magistrates were just and made the decisions that were better for not only Hester but also the community. One can discern that the characterization, irony, and symbols were to show that the magistrates were the reason the United States judicial system operates the way it does. However, Korobkin states that the people on the ground …show more content…

Hawthorne show’s this through the symbol of the parasitic relationship between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth, “Behind the Governor and Mr. Wilson came two other guests—one, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, whom the reader may remember as having taken a brief and reluctant part in the scene of Hester Prynne’s disgrace; and, in close companionship with him, old Roger Chillingworth”(162). Hawthorne portrays them as being “in close companionship”, even though as a reader there is a clear connection that they have more of a parasitic relationship. This is ironic because as the head of the church Dimmesdale, someone who is obviously close to the governor, is so easily manipulated by Chillingworth. This shows how easily people of high power can be manipulated to do the bidding of others and how even the people of the government are human too and can be manipulated by anyone. This can make it hard to trust government officials and other people of high power that could have totally different motives other than the safety of the public. Ginsberg talks about this “moment of sudden and radical intimacy” between the author and the audience when the reader knows that Mr.Roger Chillingworth is actually the father of Hester’s daughter and that him and Dimmesdale aren’t really close friends but instead Dimmesdale is being used by Chillingworth (20), this is important because Chillingworth’s motives are hidden to everyone except Hester and the reader. No one else in the town is aware of what is happening in the upper powers of the government. Chillingworth is using Dimmesdale to find the father of Pearl and is corrupting the pastors mind and soul in the process. He even thinks what he’s doing is completely

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