Theft Case Study

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Theft What is Theft? What happens if I’m charged with Theft? Are there Different Types of Theft? Simple Answer: Simply put, Theft is when a person, without authorization, takes the property or services of another, with the intent to commit the crime. Under Illinois Law theft also includes:
A person knowingly taking unauthorized control over property of another
A person knowingly obtaining control over property of another by threat or deception
A person knowingly obtaining stolen property, either by knowing the property was stolen or under circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe the property was stolen. Theft is a broad category but there are other charges that are listed as separate charges, but are under the “Theft” umbrella. Some of the other …show more content…

Theft of property that is more than $500 but less than $10,000 is a Class 3 felony. A Class 3 felony has a punishment of two to five years and a fine up to $25,000, plus restitution must be paid for the losses due to the theft. Theft of property that is less than $500 but taken directly from another is a Class 2 felony charge. Also theft that is more than $500 but less than $10,000, but taken from a school, place of worship, or government property is also considered a Class 2 felony. A Class 2 felony charge has a punishment of three to seven years and a fine up to $25,000, plus restitution must be paid for losses due to the theft. Theft over $10,000 has even stiffer consequences listed above. There are many defenses to Theft that maybe used to assist you if you are charged with the crime of Theft. Such defenses include entrapment, intoxication, claim of right or ownership of the property, and several more. There might be ways to mitigate a theft charge too, such as returning the stolen property, but it all is based on the specific facts of your

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