The value of a college education

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The basic economic relationship behind demand and price, is as price increases the demand on a product reduces (Frank 4). This relationship depicts rational human beings interacting in the marketplace (Frank 4). The product that colleges produce are degrees and educated alumni. The price of colleges have skyrocketed in the last decade by a whopping seventy percent (Frizell). The reaction to the increase in price of college, hasn't reduced the demand, in fact it has increased (Frizell). So, does this mean that somewhere along the line have americans become irrational in their economic decisions or has the value of a college education match the rising prices. Sadly, enough the value of a college degree in the current american economy is worth the cost. The foremost reason is the return in income and standard of living enjoyed by college graduates in general (Webber). Another reason is the greater benefit the country, America, gains from having more of it citizens educated at a the college level. The impact economically, and socially can only uplift the American society to new heights.

In the currently bleak economy that students face after attending college has called for an open discussion to the policy of higher education. One of the many medians where this discussion is happening is in the wall street journal called “Do Too Many Young People Go to College?” written by Lauren Webber. The article takes form in a forum of higher educational policy experts and professors, addressing two major questions posed by the public (Webber). The first of which is whether the investment in attending college is worth its value financially (Webber). Not only is the argument of why college is worth it’s value is explored so is why the value of ...

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In conclusion, you should go to college on the grounds presented in this argument. The value of a college education is not in the actual lessons plans, it is in the process of problem solving skills taken away from the school work as well as the ability to conceptualize your own ideas. There are very few and rare cases of successful people who did not attend college because universities are unique places that foster human and intellectual growth. Even some college education is better than none and this is depicted in salaries of worker who have attended some college. As said college campuses are places of immense growth and even some time is better than no time at at. The ultimate decision of going to college is up to the recent high school graduate. Through hard work anything is possible and going to college gives you the best chance to enjoy a better life.

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