The Young Couple

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The Young Couple It is a story about a newly married couple and their struggle to be independent. The wife is English and the husband is Indian. They decide to live in India. When they arrive they are full of plans and excitement as they see their new life together as a welcome challenge. As the story progresses it becomes clear that the husband will not be able to find work without the help of his parents. Their dreams of independence are slowly corroded by the “Indian way of life and by the end of the story the couple find themselves on the brink of moving in with the husband’s family. Key Themes and Issues * Traditional and modern ways of life * The role of women within Indian society * Relationship between parents and children Traditional and modern ways of life The young couple in the story represent modernity and the husband’s family traditionalism. The couple initially fight against the traditional way of Indian life but are soon overwhelmed by it. The writer uses many techniques to highlight the battle. For example their flat which is a have...

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