The Yellow Wallpaper Monologue

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I have no idea why I’m writing in this but here I am nonetheless. I have high hopes for this new place. it will give John and me more time together! I mean I suppose we shalt be alone very often but it will give me more peace of mind to have him more to myself. but I’m only really going to be taking care of his wife I suppose. I don’t know if I can call her that seeing as I am the one who does all the work in this family. regardless I feel like this shall be good for the poor lady. she seems awfully unsettled. john says it’s just anxiety. I just hope whatever she has doesn’t rub off on me!

I have grown accustomed to the new vacation house. john says it will keep his wife happy and under control. she is taking more meds than I’ve ever seen …show more content…

forgive me for my madness but I could swear I almost saw that hideous wallpaper move! I was fixing her bed and about to walk out when I saw it. the figure of a woman’s face lightly gliding underneath it. oh, my I must sound mad! I approached the wall and was almost close to toughing it when she walked in; before I could inspect it further. my god the look on her face! I made an excuse saying the wretched thing had been making a mess staining all their clothes and furniture! which it had but those were the least of my concerns! I pray she doesn’t know. oh, I must keep these things to myself before I am stuck in that horrid room with …show more content…

she has been nothing but smiles and even laughed a little the other day. but the weather has been terrible lately. all but sunshine and clear skies. just foggy with muddy clouds for a week. and it's causing this atrocious smell throughout the house....mostly in her room. but it is too pungent and spreads too far for it to be her! oh, thank god you are nothing but dead paper for I must be sounding as mad as that woman! it has a smell that feels almost like the sight of that peculiar wallpaper. a foreign, yellow scent. and as I walked by earlier this afternoon I could swear I had seen her studying it. moving along each curve, tilting and slighting her head and hands in the strangest of ways. if only John had seen! he has already warned her of Weir Mitchell. and my the stories that come from that place! perhaps I should speak to John of my discoveries. but we haven’t been alone together in weeks. I hope he won’t send me there

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