The Wound-Dresser Poem Analysis

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Males face many challenges in today's world due to their gender. Males have a standard that is set by society and are pressured to follow in these foot steps. For the males that don’t fit the role of society’s “standards”, they are ridiculed and looked down upon. In the story of the “War Prayer”, we see these exact same problems. As the young soldiers are leaving for war, the town is gathering around them for support. A few males that were against the war in the story, faced a lot of hatred from other people. The story states, “The half dozen rash spirits that ventured to disapprove of the war and cast a doubt upon its righteousness straightway got such a stern and angry warning for their personal safety’s sake they quickly shrank out of sight …show more content…

A person should be loved for who they are and everyone should have the opportunity to be themselves. Another poem, “The Wound-Dresser”, goes against the two first stories that I picked. This poem talks about a medic in the war and you get a sense of how gruesome war really is. This medic is just as important to the men carrying guns. The man recalled his horrific memories of seeing these injured soldiers and how hard it was. I believe that this man understands that being a soldier isn’t the only way to be a hero. That being a man doesn’t mean you have to physically strong and go into battle. That you can be a man others way, and to be your true self. The final story I am going to analyze is the story of “In the Trenches”. This story shows the struggle of men in the war. This idea of you can’t show pain, fear, etc. As a man in the story, Fry, is struggling with his feet. As Fry sits down to rest his feet the captain walks over. The captain looks at Fry and says, “Here, sergeant, stick a bayonet up his behind, that’ll make him move”. It seems common for men to endure these brutal remarks. In reality, people don’t understand the lasting impact that people’s words

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