The Work Ethic of the Greatest Generation and Modern Generation

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In the article, “The Way We Worked”, Tom Brokaw describes his fathers and other individuals’ work ethic during the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Generation took place during World War II and the Great Depression. Brokaw points out that the Greatest Generation was a generation known for their capacity of work, “As I researched the lives of the men and woman who came of age in the Great Depression, went through World War II, and built the country we know today, I was struck by how many of them went to work in their early teenage years. They had to work because their families needed the extra income for food, for clothing, to meet that month's rent” (Brokaw 274). In “The Way We Worked”, Brokaw's theme demonstrates examples of the different work ethic of the Greatest Generation and modern generation.
Brokaw introduces the article by describing his father, Anthony Brokaw, work ethic during the Greatest Generation. He refers to how Anthony has been working for a long time, “He had been working for almost 50 years” (Brokaw 273). His father has been working since he was 10 years old driving a team of horses. Brokaw’s father was preparing to retire and all of his family was relieved because he has always been working and they knew that it was time for him to relax. However, he postponed his retirement because he became too emotional at the thought of not having a job to go to everyday. He loved to work and it was his passion so when his father postponed his retirement for another year, his family was not surprise. Anthony was always working even if he was not at work, “It was how he made his living and it was his favorite leisure-time activity” (Brokaw 274). This quote states that Brokaw's father is a hard worker because on page 274, ...

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...rokaw showed, the Greatest Generation modern generation have different work ethics that have been developed by their capacity of work and lifestyle, “Every generation is a reflection of the times it has lived through” (Brokaw 276). The Greatest Generation and the modern generation are two distinct eras. The Greatest Generation suffered through the Great Depression, but they did not let it interfere with completing their work. The Greatest Generation portrayed strong work ethic and attributes. The Greatest Generation is known for their ability to confront and overcome as well as their straight and hard work. Modern generation has a society that is easier, yet their commitment to the work is what is more valuable. Each generation has its own qualities and hardships, but both of them influence work that can be rewarded. Work ethic is changed over time with experience.

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