The Wonderfully Wacky Words of Dr, Seuss

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The Wonderfully Wacky Words of Dr. Seuss

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” (Dr. Seuss Quotes). This quote by Theodor Geisel, or Dr. Seuss, shows that he wasn't afraid to be himself. Despite the fact that many people told him he was to weird to be likable, Dr. Seuss turned out to be very successful. Dr. Seuss overcame social norms by thinking outside the box, pursuing his interests, and making learning fun for young children.

Geisel made funny and creative characters which he expressed his ideas through. Some of these characters include Horton, Sam-I-Am, and the Lorax (Dean 102). These imaginative characters expressed his opinions. They had his voice, and they expressed it in such a way that it made it easy for young readers to understand. His creativity is inspirational to many people. Geisel made political cartoons for the war efforts and advertisements for war bonds (Cohen 226). These comics served as a wake-up call to Americans. Often times they were humorous, but they all had meaning behind them.

Dr. Seuss expressed his thoughts about life through his art and short stories. His opinions are clearly expressed in: Horton Hears a Who!, The Sneetches, and The Lorax (Cohen 220). In The Lorax, Dr. Seuss made the importance of trees and the environment clear. In Horton Hears a Who!, Dr. Seuss expresses that no matter how small they are, a person is important. In The Sneetches, Dr. Seuss stood up to racism through his original cartoon figures. This particular book was published in the 60s, and it served as an inspiration to many people fighting to get Civil Rights (Dean 78). Geisel was a white man, and although social norms were to treat African Americans with disrespect,...

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...essed himself. His life is inspirational to many people, because he took risks and tried his best and ended up successful. He became a role model to children everywhere, simply because he followed his heart. He did what made him happy, and what made him different. He did what he thought was right even when the society told him it was wrong, and for this he is inspiring. He is the amazing, wacky, and whimsical Dr. Seuss.

Works Cited

Cohen, Charles. The Seuss the Whole Seuss and Nothing but the Seuss. New York: Random House, 2004. Print.

Dean, Tanya. Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002. Print.

"Dr. Seuss." Xplore Inc, 2014. 1 April 2014.

“Dr. Seuss Biography.” The Biography Channel Website. A&E, 2013. Web. 28 March 2014.

Von Bergen, Julie. Student Research Center. EBSCOhost, 2005. Web. 27 Mdarch 2014.

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