The White Tiger Corruption Essay

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Arise from Darkness to Light through Corruption
Breathing in a place where it is necessary to pay bride in order to be living in a good condition. It is important to become the part of this corruption as it will help to stay in that country. What does corruption mean? Corruption is being dishonest to those in power, involving bribery. Corruption is one of the main themes of a book written by Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger. It shows the rottenness of people living in India. It brings in the idea of how one can get corrupt by just living in the environment. Therefore, living in an atmosphere where it is full of corruption, it is hard for a person to not get corrupt.

Living in a country where ministers are corrupt can lead a person to be untrustworthy as well. …show more content…

You’ll have to keep paying and paying the [****].” (Adiga 226). Through White Tiger, readers understand how one has to keep paying the people for higher job position than them. It makes this quote very significant since one can be corrupted as Ashok pay other ministers. Ashok was breathing in the air of corruption, which lead Ashok to be corrupted as well. Ashok didn't have the choice of being corrupt or not, as he was living under the rule of corrupt gov’t. Also, minister’s job is to be the voice of everyone but if they'll only work for people who play them, then gov’t is totally corrupted. Not only the minister but police are also corrupt as the ministers are. “The police are totally rotten. If they see you without a seat belt, you’ll have to bride them a hundred rupees.” (Adiga 103) Balram tells the reader on how easily Indian police can be a bribe. This is an example of corruption as police are being dishonest to the safety of others. It highlights the idea of Balram starting to become corrupt as Police are rotten. The quote demonstrates that corruption is very common in the place where Balram is living in. It relates to the main idea as Police are corrupt since they just need to get hundred

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