The Waiting Game

561 Words2 Pages

I can see my objective in site. I'm standing here in the pouring rain,

with the howling wind surrounding me. I go to the front door of the

warehouse and pick the lock of the door. I get in. Now to find a place

to hide and wait for my victim.

There are numerous sites to hide in the warehouse among big tankers

and machinery. I go to one of the machines, too see if it's suitable

to hide in. It looks like an old printing machine, used for printing

money. I climb on top of the printer. I find an agreeable spot to

settle down with good camouflage to conceal me from site. I take my

sniper rifle, with all the latest upgrades with a huge silencer and a

high powered scope. I zero in the sights for about 70 yards. I take my

twelve shot magazine, reach into my pocket to get some bullets but I

hesitate; I can only find one bullet. "What sort of an assassin am I

meant to be???, hopefully I won't need to kill more than one person''.

I put the one bullet in the magazine and load the rifle. I take a

kneeling position and steady my self, "now it's just the waiting, I

hate this time!".

I remain in dead silence. The warehouse is peaceful and soundless. I

pick up my rifle and lean it against my knee.

As I kneel my ears become accustomed to the sounds that were mute

about three minutes ago and know I can here them as if you were

speaking to me. I can hear the infrequent cars drive pass on odd

occasions and birds singing against the background of the torrential

rain and the sound of it dripping out of the leaking gutters. Then I

here another sound, a car, driving closer, much closer than the

others. I see the blinding car lights through the windows like looking

at the sun when it suddenly appears from behind a cloud. "The TIME is

here, maybe the wait won't be so long this time.

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