The Vulture Eye In Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart

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Gerard Way once said, “I’m not psycho… I just like psychotic things.” This quote relates to the main character of The Tell-Tale Heart as he tries to convince himself throughout the story that he is not going mad. In The Tell-Tale Heart, the main character has something against an old man’s special vulture eye. After 8 nights of watching him sleep, he ends up killing the old man so he won’t have to live with the mysterious eye any longer. He finally realizes his decision and regrets killing the old man. He eventually turns himself into the police. Edgar Allen Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart uses the vulture eye, the heart, and the watch to symbolize that deep down inside ourselves, we know what’s wrong and right, even if we may not act like it. The vulture eye is a significant symbol in The Tell-Tale Heart. The eye was the main focus of the whole story and it was the reason for the protagonist to make certain decisions. It led the main character to coming to a conclusion and finally to do the evil deed of killing the old man. The text states, “whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold...I made up my mind to kill the old man, and thus rid me from the eye forever” (1). The protagonist had a huge problem with the eye. For that reason, they suffocated the old man under a mattress and hid his body …show more content…

The Tell-Tale Heart is a story based on how the protagonist heart is telling was trying to explain what happened in the situation with the old man. Almost as if the main character was explaining what happened to another person (i.e. the reader) in their point of view. The text states, “For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this” (1). Throughout the text, the narrator is trying to convince that person that he isn’t going mad, though, they realize that they have some sort of mental illness. Therefor, trying to show that he had a valid reason to murder a man only for his

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